Implementation results of integrated model of medical care for acute myocardial infarction 5-13

Proper procedure of inventory in pharmacy 14-20

Cytotoxicity and acute toxicity of a new compound comprising iodine adducts in mice 21-26

Biological activity of lectins exctracted from legumes' calluses 27-33

Parkinson's disease. Standards for treatment and rehabilitation of Parkinson's disease 34-46

Stop stroke together. World stroke day in Kazakhstan–2016 47-53

Endoprosthesis in patients with esophageal anastomosis failure and esophageal fistulas 54-57

Larynx and trachea injury during neck injury 58-61

Analysis of prevalence of tobacco smoking in the countries according to global survey data among adult population 62-66

Intensity of smoking among women in Kazakhstan 67-70

Production of transgenic sweet potato plants with DREB1A gene 71-77

Endemic plants of asteraceae family of Kazakhstan flora and prospects of their study 78-87

Studying the biological features and spreading in soy plants of pathogenic fungi 88-93

Studying of ways of transmission of infection by plant seed material and system of protective measures at storage of agricultures 94-101

Production of dairy product kurt with the addition of prebiotics to improve the nutritional value 102-106

About date of entrance and exit from hibernation by steppe tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldii Gray, 1844) in Southern Balqash desert region 107-117

Biological features and species composition of pathogens of askohitoz soy 118-123

Horntails (hymenoptera: xiphydriidae, siricidae) of the South-Eastern Kazakhstan 124-130

Characteristics of interaction of miRNa with mRNa of genes of E2F transcription factors family 131-137

Molecular-genetic typing of gene fragments rpsL of salmonella strains 138-143

The first results of research of steppe antelope (Saiga tatarica tatarica) using special devices in Almaty zoo 144-151

The development of propionic acid and lactic acid bacteria consortiums with probiotic activity 152-159

analysis of the association of methylation genes APC, MLH1 and RASSF1A with the risk of colorectal cancer 160-167

Fauna of Hemiptera (Heteroptera) of Kostanay region (North Kazakhstan) 168-177

Biological diversity of water cenosis and its evaluation 178-193

Investigation of the effect of different stabilization methods for the conservation of biologically active components of drone brood 194-200

Research of development of fusariosis in the infected seeds of plants and establishment of preventive measures of fight against the disease 201-207

Nutritious yalue of national drink shubat – camel milk 208-214

About distribution the freshwater shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in water bodies of South Kazakhstan and opportunities of their use as biogeoindicators of the condition of aquatic ecosystems 215-223

Investigation of the effect of carbohydrate-protein feedings to the apis melifera to stimulate the drone brood derivation 224-229

Influence of ecological factors on the condition of seeds of agricultures 230-235

The lizards of anthropogenic habitats in the Southeastern Kazakhstan 236-246

СResearches of peculiarities of diet and nutrition of students 247-252